


We'll be happy to assist you in any way that we can. Contact McGehee Engineering today. 205-221-0686

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Civil Engineering


MEC provides a full range of civil engineering services including permitting, design, master planning, analysis, construction administration, and integration management. Our experience includes a variety of projects in both the private and public sectors.

Environmental Engineering

environmental engineering

The Environmental Services Department of McGehee Engineering Corp. offers a full service of environmental solutions. Our staff of environmental specialist provides a full range of environmental consulting and remediation action services to help you navigate through the ever increasing demand of the regulatory environment.

GeoTechnical Engineering


McGehee Engineering Corp. offers a wide range of services for all of your geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, soil testing and drilling needs. We provide support for mining, residential, commercial, and industrial jobs. Our engineering staff follows a project from start to finish. We ensure that quality data gathering techniques are applied so sufficient sampling is achieved. Once proper sampling and testing is done, we use the field and laboratory data, along with geotechnical engineering theory, software, and good solid engineering judgment to meet the needs of the project.

Mining Engineering


Mining engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the practice, the theory, the science, the technology, and application of extracting and processing minerals from a naturally occurring environment.

Mining Engineering Services of McGehee Engineering Corp. has provided private industry and mining companies’ consultation and designs for mining related services for many years now. Our Mining Engineering Department offers a wide range of services, some of which include the following:

Transportation Engineering


The Transportation Engineering Department of McGehee Engineering Corp. provides elaborate planning, design and rehabilitation services for both private and public infrastructure. MEC is DOT certified and has worked with many clients and municipal organizations to provide solutions for projects within municipal and staterights-of-way. MEC’s primary focus is on providing safe, practicable and convenient access to all private and public places.

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